Saturday, June 8, 2013

Love is not something you can actually put into words. Paul made an attempt, saying: “love is patient, love is kind.” All he could say is that it is associated with the fruits of the spirit, described in Galatians chapter 5, indicating that all the other fruits are embedded in one, love. So it appears that we cannot experience “Joy” without love, or any of the fruits of the spirit. Being that love seems so difficult to define, it gives rise to the possibility that love is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit, suggesting that those who live and walk in love have entered a spiritual state of being. We often receive huge responses from the smallest acts of love, why? We are being like God during those moments, demonstrating the kingdom of heaven. We have been taught all our lives that love is an action. It ultimately is manifested as an action, but love itself is not an action, but a spiritual substance that originates from heaven, being one of the few things the world is willing to receive from us. The best definition of love is that it is the substance of the anointing. This explains why love is indescribable, because no one is able to describe the anointing. God has given us various levers of the anointing in the gifts of the spirit, but without the fruits of the Spirit, primarily love, these levers don’t work.

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